We still owe the airbase to the Germans, who developed the small field into a serious airbase with barracks and officers' housing during World War II. The Dutch air force took over the site after the war, leaving the German buildings standing and building hangars and shelters for F16s. It never really succeeded in establishing serious civil aviation. There was, however, an airline with Amsterdam for a few years and regular flights to Paris at the request of the Hengelo company Signaal (now Thales), which has a French parent company. There were also holiday flights, especially in summer. With air cargo and training aircraft, things really seemed to be picking up in Twente. And that the military embraced the civilian air was evident when the runway was extended to almost three kilometres (one of the longest in the Netherlands). Not really necessary for the F16s, but it allows almost all aircraft to come to Twente.

Exploitation of civil aviation alone was almost impossible in Twente; the military also embraced civil aviation out of self-interest. It was ultimately to no avail; on 1 December 2005, the last F16 flew away from Twente.

In TwenteVisie, an article on how Technology Base has been transformed from former airbase into a centre of innovation, creativity and nature. Technology Base is an innovative and shielded business park annex airport where entrepreneurs can test and produce new inventions. After years of planning and preparations, it is ready to cash in on opportunities and attract employment. Twente Airport (part of Technology Base) offers opportunities for test airport, aircraft assembly, storage and maintenance/repair and business aviation. There are also plenty of opportunities for clean and electric flying, says Schuring, director of Technology Base and also acting director of the airport. Twente Airport is home to Aircraft End-of-Life Solutions (AELS) and TKH Airport Solutions, among others. Because, to be clear, there will still be flights to and from Twente Airport. Besides business air traffic, there is recreational flying by members of the Vliegclub Twente and the Twentsche Zweefvlieg Club.

You can read the whole article on TwenteVisie.nl