The European project DREAMS sees alternative ways of landing as a future solution that is less environmentally damaging and creates less noise pollution from landing aircraft for nearby (residential) areas near an airport. As part of that project, several flights were carried out at Twente Airport in September and October last year, spread over two weeks. There will now be a follow-up to that.

Temporary flights

In the period from Wednesday 22 June to Friday 1 July, the Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR) will carry out approach flights with a research aircraft. This will be a small ‘business aircraft’ with measuring equipment on board, the Cessna Citation with registration number PH-LAB.

According to the current schedule, the aircraft will make four flights almost every day. Twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon. The flights will happen only when the weather is sufficiently good and during the daylight period. Each flight lasts about 1 hour during which the aircraft is likely to make eight rounds. Depending on the wind direction, the aircraft will approach the airport from the southwest or from the northeast.

It cannot yet be said with certainty but it is possible that on 30 June or 1 July a larger aircraft will also be part of the investigation. This will most probably be a Boeing 737.

Pilot's findings

Like last year, the plane will approach the runway at different angles this time too. Although the difference is not really noticeable in the cabin, it requires the pilot's attention. How he or she experiences this alternative approach is the focus of this week's study.

To land an aircraft, the pilot uses his instruments. When visibility is good, a pilot also sees different coloured lights next to the runway. A specific colour combination of the four lights in the so-called PAPI (Precision Approach Path Indicator) indicates whether the aircraft is coming in optimally, too high, or too low. For this study, in addition to a regular PAPI, there is a second movable PAPI on the other side of the runway. This helps the pilot to make the aircraft follow a different glide path. Normally, the aircraft approaches at a three-degree angle. So this time, several approach paths will also be slightly steeper, with a maximum angle of 4.49 degrees.

Local residents

Twente Airport is a relatively quiet airport with few flight movements and offers a good test site for aviation research. We are well aware that due to this special situation, local residents and residents in nearby communities may hear more aircraft noise than usual. We aim to minimise any inconvenience caused by the temporary flights. In any case, the aircraft will only fly during the day when visibility is good.

Additional information

More information about the flights with the most up-to-date flight schedule can be found here:

You can find a video with an explanation of last year's flights at Twente Airport here:

The websites below give you information if you want to know more about the European project DREAMS (Demonstration of Runway Enhanced Approaches Made with Satellite Navigation):